AMC 2nd Chief Engineer
Australian Maritime College
University of Tasmania, Australia
University of Tasmania (UTAS) is a world top 2% ranking University.
Bachelor of Applied Science, Marine Engineering (leading to AMSA 2/E & C/E CoC).
Course start date:
▪ February (1st week)
▪ June (2nd week)
They run 2 batches in a year.
Course Duration:
10 months.
Visa duration:
13 – 14 months
Course Fees:
Au$ 28,000 (approximately). The fees go up by 4% approximately every year.
Health Insurance:
▪ Single student: Au$1,000.
▪ Married Couple: Au$4,500.
▪ Married couple with a child: Au$5,500.
These rates are set by the MEDIBANK insurance company and not the University.
The University admission letter will mention the health insurance cost.
You should be holding an STCW III/1 CoC (Unlimited) whilst having completed a minimum of 12 months of sea time as an engineer officer on ships > 750 KW main propulsive power.
If you are not sure whether your CoC and sea time will be accepted by AMSA, Australia, please apply for AMSA eligibility by filling out the AMSA 419 form and sending the relevant documents email to AMSA in Australia. The AMSA fee payment is to be done online. If you face any issues in filling out the AMSA 419 smart pdf form, kindly let me know. You can Google the latest version of the AMSA 419 form.
AMSA eligibility is advisable but not mandatory for university admissions and visa procedures. Sometimes, the university may ask you to get the AMSA eligibility letter before issuing you an admission letter if they do not feel confident of the sea time documents that you have submitted for admission purposes.
You need to mandatorily have the AMSA eligibility before sitting for the AMSA orals. Students can apply for AMSA eligibility before travelling to Australia or during their stay in Australia as well. The AMSA eligibility processing time is around 6 weeks.
Seat booking procedure:
Please email or WhatsApp me the following documents for seat booking with AMC, University of Tasmania.
▪ Passport front page and address page.
▪ CDC front page and sea service stamp pages after your Class 4 (EOOW STCW III/1) CoC.
▪ CoC – All relevant pages including the expiry date page.
▪ STCW basic courses – PST + PSSR + FPFF + EFA.
▪ Class X (O Level), Class XII (A-Level) and any other higher Diploma / Degree level school qualification that you may have.
▪ Oil, Chemical and Gas tanker familiarisation courses (if working on tankers).
▪ IELTS Academic or Pearson PTE Academic English test. This now compulsory for seat booking. The score required in IELTS Academic is 6 band overall with no sectional score below 5.5. For PTE Academic, the score required is 50 overall with no sectional score below 42.
Kindly make separate PDF files with proper file names and send them to me on WhatsApp for e.g. one PDF file for Passport, one PDF file for CDC, one PDF file for CoC, one PDF file for all STCW courses, etc., and so on.
If your family (wife and children) wish to accompany you to Australia, we will need their passport scanned copies and your marriage certificate as well.
There is no payment to be made to the University for booking your seat.
After submission of all documents, the University will issue you a conditional offer letter in about 3 – 4 weeks’ time. This conditional offer letter will come to you by email directly from the University and CC to me.
You can book the IELTS Academic test on:
You can book the PTE Academic test on:
▪ Payment of the 1st semester course tuition fees + overseas student health insurance (OSHC) charge.
This payment will normally be made about 2 – 3 months before the course start date. The balance tuition fees for the 2nd semester will be paid about 6 months later whilst the course is ongoing in Australia.
The course is divided into 2 semesters. The first-semester course fee is paid to get the visa letter called as CoE issued by the University. The 2nd-semester course fees are to be paid before the start of the 2nd semester in Australia.
Course Modules:
▪ Advanced Marine Engineering (Motor)
▪ Advanced Marine Engineering (General)
▪ Advanced Marine Electrical Engineering
▪ Advanced Marine Control and Automation.
▪ Advanced Applied Mechanics.
▪ Advanced Marine Thermodynamics.
▪ Advanced Electrotechnology.
▪ Advanced Naval Architecture and Ship Construction.
▪ Managerial and Leadership Skills.
▪ + 1 AMSA Orals and STCW advanced courses & ancillary courses (as required).
STCW advanced courses (AFF + MFA + PSCRB + Medicare) and Tanker Courses (Oil, Chemical & Gas):
AMSA, Australia does not accept DG Shipping, India advanced STCW courses as well as tanker courses. So, these courses will have to be mandatorily done in Australia.
If you are a seafarer of some other nationality for e.g. Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma, Nigeria, Ghana, etc., please email to AMSA at:
and check if your country STCW advanced courses and tanker courses are accepted by AMSA or not.
Total cost of study & part-time work in Australia:
▪ Tuition Fees: Au$28,000
▪ Health insurance: Au$1,000 (mandatory)
▪ AMSA fees: Au$1,000
▪ Living Expenses: Au$1,200 per month (i.e., Au$14,400 per year)
▪ Flight travel: Au$3,000
▪ Miscellaneous: Au$1,000
▪ Visa Medical: Au$50
▪ Visa fees: Au$1,600
Total: Au$50,050
Students are allowed to work part-time in Australia during their studies. You can work up to 40 hours every fortnightly during term time and full-time during holidays. The minimum wage in Australia is Au$ 23.23 per hour.
Earnings per month: (40×2) x 23 = Au$1,840
Assuming, you worked for 10 months out of 12 months of stay in Australia, your part-time earnings will be: Au$18,400.
Total expenses for a student who works part-time in Australia and one who does not work part-time in Australia are as given below:
▪ Au$31,650
▪ Au$50,050
Australia is a very expensive place to study and hence most students will do some part-time work to offset at least their living expenses.
During vacation time, you can work full time and hence earn 2.5X what a student earns monthly part-time, but we have not considered that additional earnings for calculation purposes.
Your spouse is also allowed to work part-time in Australia.
The cost involved in carrying your wife to Australia is as explained below:
▪ Living Expense: Au$400 per month i.e., Au$4,800 for a year.
▪ Flight ticket: Au$3,000
▪ Health Insurance: Au$3,500
▪ Visa Fees: Au$1,445
Total additional expenses for carrying spouse = Au$12,745
▪ Part-time work earning at minimum pay if working 10 out of 12 months in a year: Au$18,400
Net SURPLUS earned by a working spouse will be Au$5,655.
So, if both student and spouse are working part-time during your 2/E course in Australia, the actual cost will come to: Au$25,995.
Approximate net expenses for a student and spouse under different conditions are given below:
▶ Total expense for the student is Au$ 50,050 (27.50 Lakhs INR if 1 Au$ = 55 INR) if the student does not work in Australia.
▶ Total expense for the student is Au$ 31,650 (17.40 Lakhs INR if 1 Au$ = 55 INR) if the student works part-time in Australia.
▶ Total expense for the student and wife is Au$ 62,795 (34.50 Lakhs INR if 1 Au$ = 55 INR) if none of them work part-time in Australia.
▶ Total expense for the student and wife is Au$ 25,995 (14.30 Lakhs INR if 1 Au$ = 55 INR) if both work part-time in Australia.
Visa processing:
.We will be guiding you with the visa procedure. The visa procedure is totally online now and is similar irrespective of the nationality of the student.
▪ The visa processing time varies from 4 – 8 weeks normally.
▪ The length of the visa is around 14 months.
▪ The breakup of funds that you need to show for your visa is as explained below:
▶ Tuition Fees: Au$28,000
▶ Living Expenses: A$29,710
▶ Health Insurance: Au$1,000
▶ Flight Ticket: Au$3,000
The total visa show money will be Au$61,710 (INR 34 Lakhs if Au$ = 55 INR).
If you are carrying your wife, the additional visa show money will be as below:
▶ Living Expense: Au$10,394
▶ Health Insurance: Au$3,500
▶ Flight Ticket: Au$3,000
Total extra funds to show for your wife will be Au$16,894 (INR 9.30 Lakhs at Au$ = 55 INR)
If children are to accompany you, the extra show money will be as below:
▶ Au$4,449 per child for non-school-going children.
▶ Au$13,502 per school-going children.
▶ Travel cost per child: Au$3,000
▶ Insurance cost per child: Au$1,000.
▶ Visa fees per child below 18 years: Au$390
Educational Loan / Personal Loan:
As you can see, the amount to show for an Australian visa is huge. Hence, most Indian students take loans be it personal loans, educational loans, loans against property, home loan top-ups, loans against insurance policies, loans against jewellery, etc. If you wish to apply for a loan, please do revert.
The money for the visa can be shown as cash in a bank account, fixed deposits, or bank loans. You can also show funds held by your parents, in-laws, and own brother/sister.
Any sudden reflection of a large amount of money in your bank account will need to be explained with documentary evidence regarding its source as otherwise, that can be a ground for visa refusal.
Permanent Residency (PR) in Australia.
The PR for deck officers, engineer officers and Ships Master was stopped in Australia from 31 July 2017. Before that many seafarers did the Chief Mates or 2/E CoC from Australian Maritime College (AMC), University of Tasmania and took PR in Australia. It is not certain when PR for seafarers will start again for Australia as PR for professions is demand-supply based. Once the seafarers who took PR in Australia move back to shore-based jobs in Australia, one expects that demand will then outstrip supply and seafaring professions will again get included in the shortage occupation list (SoL). It may happen in 1 year or 5 years, that is something nobody can predict. That it will open again is almost a certainty but when it will happen can’t be predicted. As it is over 7 years since PR was stopped for seafarers, it is anticipated that it will reopen in the next 1 – 3 years’ time.
This leaves a student looking to do the Chief Mates or 2/E CoC course from AMC, University of Tasmania with 2 options primarily:
▶ 1st Option: Finish your CoC course and obtain your bachelor’s degree in marine engineering from UTas. Come back to your home country and start sailing. Whenever PR starts again for seafarers, apply for it from your home country only. PR processing takes about 6 months, and you will need to contact the Australian govt. licensed migration agents who are called as MARA agents.
▶ 2nd Option: After obtaining your 2/E or C/E CoC from AMSA and bachelor’s degree from UTas, proceed to do your MBA in Australia in a relevant field e.g., maritime logistics & supply chain or maritime management from the University of Tasmania. These are 1.5 – 2 years courses. Together the 2E / BSc & MBA will take your total course duration to 2.5 years. The rule in Australia is that if you do 2 years of continuous full-time study at a degree or above level, you get 2 – 4 years of post-study work visa in Australia. As Tasmania is a regional area, you get 3 – 4 years of post-study work visa if you work in Tasmania. Look for employment in Tasmania during your post-study work visa. After completing 1 year of relevant skilled employment in Tasmania then apply for PR under different occupation categories (not seafarer category) e.g. business development manager, market research analyst, procurement manager, quality assurance manager, sales & marketing manager, university lecturer, etc. Your MARA licensed migration agent who files your documents for PR will check your prior academic qualifications and work experience. He will guide you accordingly under which occupation (ANZSCO code) you should file for your PR. If you are married, your wife can work full time (as it is a post-graduate and not an undergraduate course) when you are doing an MBA in Australia. The costs get greatly reduced if you are working part-time and your wife is working full-time during your MBA course and your chances of applying for PR may open for both seafarer and non-seafarer categories.
I have given links to x2 such MBA courses that may be of interest to you in future:
▪ MBA in Maritime Management:
▪ MBA in Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Someone with a bachelor’s degree can opt to do this MBA course directly without doing the 2/E course.
Recently, Australia has changed the rules w.r.t. the post study work (PSW) visa. You need to be below 35 years of age to apply for PSW visa. This becomes a problem if you are over 33 years of age when you start the study in Australia. In such a case, it is better to get PR in New Zealand where age restriction is 50 and with a NZ PR you can work in Australia also. With a CoC from AMSA, Australia and a Bachelors Degree in Marine Engg., you can opt for post-graduate studies in New Zealand which gives 3 years of post study work visa. Thereafter, look for a skilled job in NZ paying over NZ$30 per hour and try to get PR in NZ under the skilled worker category. We can guide you for such a study course if you are interested in choosing the New Zealand study + work pathway to a possible residency in future.
I work for the University of Tasmania, Australia and am not a MARA-licensed migration (PR) agent. Hence, though I can help you out with admissions and student visa procedures as I am appointed by the University of Tasmania, I cannot file your PR (residency) application. Also, PR and other migration rules keep on changing depending upon the demand-supply for such jobs in Australia. So, it is best to approach a MARA agent once you finish your studies if you are looking for permanent migration to Australia.
If you wish to enrol, please send the documents as mentioned earlier. Also, please send the below-mentioned information:
▪ Your residential address and postal code.
▪ Any visa refusals for any country in the past.
▪ Travelling alone or with family. If with family, their name and relationship to you.
▪ Any relatives in Australia. If yes, their name, city of residence and relationship to you.
▪ Which batch you wish to join: February or June
▪ Your O level (Class X), A level (Class XII) and any Diploma / Degree certificate as well as course start/end date in the MM/YYYY format for the O level, A level and other diploma/degree qualification.
▪ Your email address.
Contact Us:
Kunal Anshuman,
Springdale India
Tel: +91 – 98927 25375
Address: Office No. 529, Mastermind 4, Royal Palms, Aarey Colony, Goregaon E, Mumbai – 400 065
We have been appointed by the University of Tasmania, Australia to handle their admissions and visas. We do not have any service charge as the University pays us for the work that we do for them.
File Attachments:
Study Abroad Options
We also assist with all Non-Marine post-graduation & undergraduate Courses admissions and visas in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Canada, and the USA.
All of our services are free of cost to the students.
For Non Marine Courses :
Call: +91 - 93077 48598.
For all Marine Courses :
Call : +91 98927 25375
Admission Open for "Diploma in IT Support" in New ZealandSpecializations: Technical Support, Help Desk Operations, Systems Administration, Network Support, etc.
Admission Open for "Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology" In New ZealandSpecializations: Data Analytics, Cybersecurity, IT Governance, Cloud Computing, etc.
Admission Open for "Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science" in New ZealandSpecializations: Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics, Human-Computer Interaction, Software Engineering, etc.
Admission Open for "Graduate Diploma in Information Technology" in New ZealandSpecializations: Web Development, Database Management, IT Project Management, System Administration, etc.
Admission open for "Graduate Diploma in Computer Science" in New ZealandSpecializations: Programming, Algorithms, Computer Networks, Data Structures, etc.
Admission Open for "Master of Information Technology (MIT)" in New ZealandSpecializations: Cybersecurity, Software Engineering, Data Science, IT Management, etc.
Admission Open for "Master of Computer Science (MCompSc)" in New ZealandSpecializations: Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Data Mining, Distributed Systems, etc
Admission Open for "Bachelor of Computer Science (BCompSc)" in New ZealandSpecializations: Software Development, Data Science, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, etc.
Admission Open for "Bachelor of Retail and Business Management" in New ZealandSpecializations: Retail Management, Marketing, E-commerce, Sales, etc.
Admission Open for "Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration" in New ZealandSpecializations: Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Operations Management, etc.
Admission Open for "Graduate Diploma in Business" in New ZealandSpecializations: Marketing, Finance, Management, International Business, etc.
Admission Open for "Bachelor of Applied Management' in New ZealandSpecializations: Project Management, Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, Business Analytics, etc.
Admission Open for "Master of Management" In New-ZealandSpecializations: Strategic Management, Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Organizational Behavior, etc.
Admission Open for "Bachelor of International Business" in New ZealandSpecializations: International Marketing, International Finance, International Management, Cross-Cultural Management, etc.
Admission Open for "Bachelor of Tourism Management" in New ZealandSpecializations: Tourism and Hospitality Management, Event Management, Adventure Tourism, Destination Management, etc.
Admission Open for "Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)" in New ZealandSpecializations: Human Resource Management, Marketing, Finance, Operations Management, Entrepreneurship, etc.
Admission Open for "Master of Business Administration (MBA)" in New ZealandGeneral MBA
Specialized MBA (e.g., MBA in International Business, MBA in Finance) -
Admission open for "Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)" in New ZealandMajors: Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Management, International Business, Economics, etc.
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University of Central Lancashire
Glasgow Caledonian University
Leeds Beckett University
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Top 10 Universities to Study in the UK.University of Oxford
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Imperial College London
University College London (UCL)
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
University of Edinburgh
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King's College London
University of Bristol
University of Warwick -
Most Popular Courses to Study for "Law and Legal Studies" in the UK:- Master's in Law (LLM)
- Master's in International Law
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Most Popular Courses to Study for Health Sciences in the UK:- Master's in Public Health
- Master's in Nursing
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Popular Universities to Study "MSc in Data Science" in the UK.University of Oxford
University of Cambridge
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University of Edinburgh
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University of Manchester
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University of Bristol
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University College London (UCL)
University of Edinburgh
University of Southampton
University of Manchester
University of Glasgow
University of Bristol
King's College London
University of Warwick
University of Sheffield
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University of Leeds
University of Nottingham
University of Sussex
University of East Anglia (UEA)
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Popular Universities to study "MSc in Computer Science" in the UK.University of Oxford
University of Cambridge
Imperial College London
University College London (UCL)
University of Edinburgh
University of Manchester
University of Bristol
University of Southampton
University of Warwick
University of Glasgow
King's College London
University of Birmingham
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University of Sheffield
University of Nottingham
University of St Andrews
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Popular "Post Graduation Courses for Computers" in the UK.MSc in Computer Science
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MSc in Data Science
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MSc in Cybersecurity
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MSc in Computer Networks
MSc in Computer Vision
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Popular Courses in the "University of Bedfordshire" - UKMSc International Business
MSc Cybersecurity
MSc Applied Psychology
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MSc Computer Science
MSc Marketing Management
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Kunal Anshuman,
Springdale India
Tel : +91 - 98927 25375
Address :
Office No. 529, Mastermind 4, Royal Palms, Aarey Colony, Goregaon E, Mumbai – 400 065
Note: To reach our office, take autorickshaw from Goregaon (E) station. It will cost you about 100 Rs/- and the distance is 3.0 kms from station. It should take you about 20 minutes to reach our office in normal traffic conditions from the station. Alternatively, take Bus No. 452 from Goregaon (E) station and get down at the last bus stop i.e. Mayur Nagar. The office is about 10 minutes walk from the Mayur Nagar bus stop. If you are coming from Powai direction, it will take you about 30 minutes to reach our office by auto rickshaw and the fare will be about 150 Rs approximately.
Please call before you plan to come to the office so that we can schedule a mutually convenient date and time.